Thursday 16 January 2014

Here's our 2013 Annual Review

HAPPY 2014 from Guatemala! Thank you for your support in 2013. To think that another year has flown by.

In our mission, it's all too easy to focus on the children who desperately needed our help that we couldn't reach - always for lack of funds.

That's why putting together the Annual Review was such an uplifting process! Even though it's a far cry from what we wanted to do, there were still plenty of blessings to celebrate. It's amazing what a small group of people with heart can accomplish when they join forces in God's name to help the orphan and widow.

Please take a minute to look at what we've been up to via the following link.

And as always,  even a small amount can make a huge difference to a child's life and future! You can donate today via Paypal to, or contact us for other ways to help. MUCHAS GRACIAS and God bless you with health, success and happiness in 2014.

Together in the love of Christ,

Fernando and Sandra Gomez

Thursday 12 December 2013

Can Help Make this a Feliz Navidad in Christ for Guatemalan Orphans?

Christmastime is a very special time for people here in Guatemala: a time when people forget about the everyday struggle in a country with one of the highest poverty rates in the world. Christmas celebrations in Guatemala are both fun and spiritually meaningful, Guatemala being a strongly Christian country, with 45% being Evangelical Christians.  On Christmas Eve, 'Noche Buena' or the Good Night, the Mayan indigenous people of Guatemala gather together to reflect on the incredible gift that God gave us in the form of his beloved Son Our Lord and Saviour. They share a meal of traditional rice “tamales” steamed in banana leaves washed down with (non-alcoholic) fruit punch.  When midnight strikes, everyone is home celebrating with their families and burning firecrackers.
The boys of San Marcos being boys
Thanks to your generosity, the AMOR Christmas Party is now an annual highlight for the orphans and children of Tsununa. These children have been receiving the teachings of our Lord and engaging in special activities every week now for two years, with special classes in the holidays. Now in its third year, we have a special hope: to be able to invite 100 children to our gathering this year. You can help provide these precious kids not only with a small toy each but also with vital food, clothing, education and hope.

Pascual Tepaz, age 6 and a half
Can you help us reach our target of 100 happy children in our fold? The cost is of making it happen is so small compared to the huge joy it will bring to these young, difficult lives. And we can't do it without you.

DONATIONS small or large can be made via Paypal to
Other options are:
1) Via our UK bank account: Account Name: AMOR
Cooperative Bank UK Account no. 65570038  Sort Code: 08-92-99

SWIFT/BIC code: CPBKGB22      IBAN: GB53CPBK08929965570038
3) By cheque to: AMOR, c/o 70 Bircherley Court, Hertford, Herts SG14 1RL, UK

Please share this call to action with your friends and family. As always, every penny or cent goes directly to help the children. Thank you for your help in making this a miraculous Christmas for more Mayan orphans!

In the love of Jesus Christ,
Sandra and Fernando Gomez
AMOR Mission, Guatemala

Friday 15 March 2013

An Offering to Make Miracles Happen

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Greetings from Guatemala in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ, and welcome to AMOR´s new blog! We hope you´re receiving blessings through faith in our Lord. Thank you for your interest in our mission to spread the gospel here in Guatemala, it really has touched many lives and hearts. And the work continues.

We´re delighted to announce the launch of our new Appeal: ´Food for Life´. The holy word of God says that it´s important to think of orphans and widows, which is why we are presently working in Guatemala for this cause. God asks us to share a loaf of bread if we have two. Let´s convert the word of God into action.

Through this blog we want to invite you to be a part of this work. Let´s do as Jesus did. Jesus healed people of sickness. Today we can heal hunger. We can heal lack of opportunity. We can heal hearts, taking hope to every orphan, widow and family living in extreme poverty in Guatemala. As the Scriptures say, God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7).

Many children here in Guatemala go for days without even a taste of bread, and when they do eat it´s usually tortillas and salt. Guatemala has a malnutrition rate of around 70%, with the rate being far higher in the Mayan communities. Many children and families don´t have a home, nor food, nor access to education. Children are sent out from the age of 5 to work in the coastal plantations. As Christians, we have a great responsibility to create a miracle in the lives of these people through our generosity and love; that from among these children and families come forth workers who will anounce the Good News of our salvation.

This work that we are doing through AMOR is a dream of God and is also our dream, that these children may have, at the very least, their basic needs met. Firstly, we provide the teaching of salvation to put an end to spiritual malnutrition, and for their physical, emotional and intellectual needs we provide homes, food, education, schools, medicine, vegetable gardens and clothes through projects to create self-sustainability.

We´re sharing this message with you in the name of Jesus Christ, that it may knock on the doors of your hearts so that this work may expand exponentially and glorify the name of God.

Your offerings may be made in the following ways:
- Via Paypal at to the recipient account: (tick ´gift´so that AMOR receives all of your donation)
- Via our UK bank account: Account Name: AMOR
Cooperative Bank UK Account no. 65570038 Sort Code: 08-92-99
SWIFT/BIC code: CPBKGB22 - IBAN: GB53CPBK08929965246207
- By UK cheque/check payable to AMOR mailed to:
AMOR, 43 Forest Road, Enfield, Middx EN3 6SU UK

God bless you.

Fernando & Sandra Gomez
(+44)(0)208-144-4397 (UK)
(+502) 30090548 (Guatemala)